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Going National and Wow, That's a Lot

It took all of a week before I convinced myself to go all-in.
Initially, I built this site exclusively as the brewery search destination for Washington State. To that end, it'll always be, but I wanted more territory and noticed how few functional steps it would take to get there. 

So, I expanded rapidly. Outgrowing wabreweries.com, I bought brewerysearch.com for a song–honestly, I was surprised it wasn't taken. I still don't have data for other states ready, and much of Washington is also still unverified, but as things progress, I'll now be able to "unlock" those states as I go. 

This will also allow me to explore the programmatic SEO world more. I currently have over 10,000 breweries in the database. With 50-something "states" (counting a handful of territories there, too) and filters for traits like being kid-friendly within each of said states, the total SEO exposure could exceed 15,000 pages before I know it.

The resulting sub-challenge ensures each page is helpful and doesn't just look like a replica of all the others. Cursory ideas include information about the area, presenting a list of favorites, displaying photos, etc. Currently, each State is static, but before long, I'll probably convert them into a data model to attach "metadata" to each State more effectively.

All of the downtime I generally have during the holiday season will be put to good use, that's for sure.