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Oh, no. Did we goof?

Report a Problem

We try to be as right as possible, but sometimes we make mistakes. If you see something that's incorrect, this is the right place to say something. We'll do our best to fix it.

We may need to follow up with you, so please ensure your contact information is accurate. The best uses of this form include letting us know if a Brewery we've listed is closed, has menu items that are no longer in rotation, the hours have changed. If you're trying to get in touch for other reason, please use our contact form instead, so the bits go in the right direction.


Something about the listing is incorrect, ex: name, address, things on the menu, hours of opereation, etc.

The operation has shut down, changed locations, has fundamentally pivoted, etc.

Something else; share the details below.

One last thing...

Totally optional; we respect your inbox. Check this box if we can follow up should we have more questions or you'd like to be updated.